Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Missionary setting apart - May 5, 2013

These two are going to be the most amazing missionaries.  It was so cool to be able to attend their setting apart with the whole family.  President Matsumura wasn't able to attend, so Brother Jerry Savage set them both apart instead.  The first part they pulled both Dad and Mom aside and interviewed them while the counselors talked to the whole family together.  It was really cool.  Then when they came back into the room we got to witness the setting apart with all of the brothers in the circle also.  Very powerful opportunity!  We took some family pictures while there.  Unfortunately we were below the spot lights which made for some fun glowing pictures.  Every person in the family was able to attend.
Brother Reed, ?, Mom Beck, Dad Beck, Brother Jerry Savage and their current Bishop (took over after Dad was released in February).

 Parker orange tie, Carter red tie

1 comment:

Janessa Couch said...

So fun!!! They look great! I love Tanner's photo bomb.