Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Elder and Sister Beck Mission Farewell- April 28, 2013

The day finally arrived for Dad and Mom Beck's mission farewell.  It was both a sad and happy day for us.  Dad and Mom both spoke in Sacrament Meeting.  Camille probably cried from start to finish of Grandma's talk.  I got pretty emotional as I was watching Camille having such a hard time.  We will sure miss them.  They have been such a huge part of our lives.  How lucky we have been to live so close.  This will start the beginning of a new chapter of excitement and adventures.  The people in Atlanta, Georgia are sure lucky to have them heading their way.  The spirit was very strong during the meeting.  So many awesome family members attended.  We went to all of our meetings then headed over to their house for some yummy food and socializing. 
 Parker with orange tie.

My parents were so awesome to come to their house.  It was fun to see them.  I love how close the Becks and Adamsons are.  We have had 18 years of life experiences together from deaths, births, Hawaii, plays, concerts, birthday parties, and many more.  How lucky I am to have two amazing sets of parents.

 Bradley and Cadan hanging out.
 Camille with Spencer.
We went in as a family on a group gift.  We bought them an I-pad Mini to take with them on their mission.  They were so excited and surprised.  They had been talking about getting an I-pad, but it never happened.  Now we can keep in better contact with them through facetime.  They are also excited to have something to watch videos and other church things on.  I also put together a family calendar for one year of their mission and will do the other part in May 2014.  Thanks to all of the family helping to give me pictures.  They were so excited to see all of the pictures and look through the calendar.  We want them to feel like they aren't too far away from us as they can still look at the calendar and see their fun family including birthdays and fun milestones in our lives. 

We sure love Dad and Mom Beck and are so grateful for their sacrifice to serve.  What a huge example they are to my children, Byron and I.  Leaving your family and home behind are such huge sacrifices, but they seem to be so willing to do whatever no matter the cost.  We are excited to go up and see them during Spring Break in April 2014 - this will definitely be a huge memory for us all. 

1 comment:

Janessa Couch said...

Awesome gift! As you can tell, I am having fun reading your blog today. :)