Friday, December 7, 2012

4th of July - Fireworks

After getting back from Secret Lake, we relaxed and then prepared for dinner with the fire pit.  We had a great time enjoying Dad & Mom's company. 
Carter (yellow), Parker (blue)

Waiting so patiently! 

Once it started getting dark, we let off a small package of fireworks we had purchased in our backyard.  The fire season was really bad in Utah this year.  There was actually a fire on the mountain above Alpine and many firework restrictions in the bench areas.  I was extra nervous so we tried to keep them as far from our hill area as we could.  We lit a very small fountain when one of the fireworks threw a spark up on our hill (about 15 feet away) and within seconds the grass was on fire and growing rapidly.  Luckily Byron is so quick on his feet and had the hose on it within 5 seconds.  Such a scary experience.  We were all terrified at what could have happened.  We ended up moving into the front yard to finish with some sparklers and gave up on any more of our fountains.

The fire we could see up American Fork Canyon from our house that was burning above Alpine.
Some of the kids were scared of getting too close to the fireworks after our little scare, so they chose to watch from the truck bed.

One more shot of the fire up American Fork Canyon from our house - so scary how bright it looked at night and how close it actually was to our house.

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