Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Do you ever feel like your kids are growing out of their clothes like crazy? I have lately and don't feel like I can keep up. I have decided whenever I purchase new shoes or clothes that I will get them a little big so that they can't grow out of them so fast.

Today this thinking backfired on me. Carter and Parker are out on the field playing soccer. Parker is playing defender and has the ball heading straight towards him. He runs up and kicks the ball. Not only does the ball go flying, but also does his shoe - 7 feet up into the air. He quickly runs over and grabs his runaway shoe and puts it on. About one minute later the same thing happens. So after dealing with this runaway shoe for 3 different episodes, I quickly had Carter run over and trade shoes with his brother. Luckily they wear the same shoe size or this game could have been disastrous. The comical part of it all was watching Carter and Parker trade shoes in 10 seconds flat every time one or the other would go in to play.

Ok - so buying shoes a little big can work most times, but not during a soccer game.


Janessa Couch said...

I also buy my girls shoes too big. Right now, Lindsay's shoes are like 2 sizes too but so she has some toilet paper stuffed in them. I think that by the time she finally grows into them, they will be ruined. For now, it looks as though she is playing dressup.

Melanie said...

I, too, buy shoes too big and our children still seem to grow out of them way too fast. What a funny experience your boys had with their shoes! :-)

Maria said...

I'll bet that was hilarious watching them change shoes! Thanks for the laugh! :)

Michelle said...

That is so funny! :)

Devin and Melinda said...

That's funny! Good thing they were able to switch so quickly! That's one advantage of having a brother the same size!

tamster17 said...

I do the same thing for our kids! Sometimes I buy things for the next year when they are clearing them out from a season. Shoes are a hard one and they grow out of them fast. Because I only have one girl (like you) that one is the hardest because if she grows out of them and hardly uses them I have no one to pass them down to!

Carrrie said...

What a great post! I bet that was fun to watch! :) I love the very artistic picture of the shoes too.

Patty said...

I can just imagine the flying shoe and both of them working together. I wish we could see them play a soccer game. Little tidbits are fun to hear and pictures are fun to see. It makes us feel like we saw a portion of it.