Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Odds and Ends

Below are some random pictures taken the past couple of weeks.
I currently serve with the Bears and came home from our weekly meeting with this on the table. What an amazing daughter I have! I like to cook, but not as much as she likes to cook. She had made homemade meatballs and spaghetti. Carter & Parker had set the table also. What a huge milestone as a mom when your children do something for you instead of the other way around. By the way- it tasted delicious! She is definitely hired:).
Carter & Parker had asked this particular night if they could make a fort in their room. I said they could as they quickly scurried into their bedrooms. A few hours later I went into their room to find this. Apparently they decided to use their mattresses as the cover for their forts and they chose to sleep on top of it. They are very creative! (Parker is on the top and Carter on the bottom).
Byron was researching our family history recently for a lesson in Gospel Doctrine. He found out that one of my early relatives was actually buried in the Alpine Cemetery. After church we quickly went up to find his grave. This is what we found - and to realize that he was the first person buried in the Alpine Cemetery is pretty cool - isn't it amazing to find out about our relatives. I am so lucky to have a husband that has such a passion for family history. Maybe one day a part of that passion will sink into me :).

October 2nd was the BYU vs. Utah State game. Scott & Heather Chapple came down that weekend and came to the game with us. We had a great time visiting with them and enjoying their company. The best part was that we won. Go BYU!

I took 2 pictures of us all and didn't get a really good one -Jeff came with Ashlyn, Scott, Byron & Heather.
Sorry Scott - I caught him while he was eating.
Carter & Parker loved being in soccer this season. They had a great time playing and were especially excited to receive their end of season medals.

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