We never quite know where we will be travelling from season to season or days that we will be committing to when we sign up for soccer. Once we get the schedules of all 4 boys, it is fun to put them all on the calendar and hope they don't conflict with each other. Arsenal always has games all over the place so his schedule is the hardest to keep up with. We went from Mapleton to Logan this year. Luckily Carter and Parker are on the same team. This saves me so much with driving to yet another soccer practice or game. I had a carpool set up with Tanner's team since most of his practices were in Eagle Mountain this season - and twice a week also. It was pretty crazy, so two other moms and I carpool to that. I seriously felt like I was in the car nonstop for about 8 weeks. The reason I to through this craziness, though is because my boys absolutely LOVE soccer. They love playing and also the practicing part.
Tanner was put on Scott Hazard's team this year. At first I was wanting to switch to a team that was closer to Lehi, but heard about what an amazing coach Scott is to the boys and couldn't let my own thoughts come in the way of having Tanner on this team. Scott has been an awesome coach this past season. He truly cares about the boys and is more into raising stalwart men then good soccer players. He even had a fireworks fundraiser which was a huge blessing so Tanner didn't have to earn as much money.
The boys all made such great friends and really had a great season. Tanner had to deal with a broken hand for half of his games. He had to wrap his cast with an ace bandage to make it softer so he was permitted to play.
Watching Johnathan's game - Parker, Carter and Bradley
Johnathan on far left.
Tanner in the red.Parker getting ready to kick the ball. Below Carter running next to Colby Eastmond towards the goal (blue player on right).
Tanner sitting with his team as he patiently waited to play. He is sitting next to his coach in the front row leaning forward.
Tanner ready to go back out with his coach rooting the team on to the right.
While in Brigham City for Tanner's game, we were able to see the beautiful temple that was recently dedicated. It was so gorgeous. Carter, Tricia, Bradley, Johnathan, Tanner and Parker
Johnathan after the last game in the front row.
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