Bradley has been my only child to get reoccurring ear infections. He had 7 last winter, but his pediatrician decided against tubes since summer was quickly approaching. Now this winter he has added two more to the list, so we ended up getting sent to an ear/nose/throat doctor. While at the doctor's appointment last week, the doctor was so nice. While talking to her, she found out that Bradley is our 6th child and only one to have tubes. This perplexed her since she has decided that most children who are the 4th child are the ones who need them. She later realized that her scenario probably didn't work with us since when Carter & Parker were born, Camille was just starting kindergarten - thus not as much sickness entering the home from school. Then when Bradley came along there were 3 children going to school bringing home sicknesses.
This morning his surgery was planned for 8:20 a.m. at American Fork Hospital. Bradley couldn't eat anything from midnight last night, so getting ready this morning was VERY stressful. He is one of those children that thinks food as soon as he wakes up and gets very upset if he doesn't have any. I had to make sure Bradley wasn't around while the other children ate breakfast to hold off a huge temper tantrum. Luckily his bath preoccupied him enough that he didn't see the others eating.
Bradley was so cute at the hospital - oblivious to what was about to take place. He didn't like getting his hospital gown and hospital bracelet on, though. He soon calmed down just in time to be whisked away by a nice nurse.
About 20 minutes later I could hear him crying down the hall. The stress was just about to begin.
Bradley had a local anesthesia put him to sleep, so as soon as he woke up they brought him to me. He was only gone around 20 minutes ( I guess the surgery only lasts around 8). He was still not coherent, and was screaming VERY LOUDLY! I was luckily in a hospital room where a rocking chair was, but nothing would calm him down. After fighting with him for about 20 minutes, he calmed down enough to drink some apple juice, then resumed screaming. At this point a huge headache was beginning and I still didn't know what to do for my poor boy. The nurse that was helping me was very kind and said she had never seen anyone so upset after getting tubes in his ears - JUST MY LUCK!!! 40 minutes later he was still so upset that I decided to quickly get him dressed and get out of there. He calmed down just a little outside, but upon realizing he was going to be put into his car seat resumed. After driving for a while, I looked back to see that he had put his blanket over his head. I felt so bad for him, but really didn't know what I could do. I guess after coming out of anesthesia, some children aren't sure where they are, what is going on, can't open their eyes and just get plain upset. Bradley cried for about 1 1/2 hours and then fell asleep due to exhaustion.
I have never felt such complete helplessness for one of my children. Luckily I have never been in a hospital with any children where we have to hand them over to a nurse - AWFUL FEELING! Usually I can calm Bradley down by singing to him, rocking him, or just walking around - nothing helped at all. I am so glad that this part is over and he has finally fallen to sleep - I was pretty much to my breaking point when he calmed down.
I am exhausted and need a nap!